About Me

hi. πŸ‘‹

Own work. Taken during semester exchange at Keelung, Taiwan, 1 January 2024.

I’m TAN Tze Heng - 陳智恆 - from Sabah, Malaysia, and I’m currently a third year undergraduate of the National University of Singapore (NUS), pursuing a Major in Mathematics.

Inspired by well-known mathematics communicators such as Grant Sanderson and Brady Haran since my secondary school times, I embarked on the humbling yet fruitful journey of studying university-level mathematics, diligently learning and adapting to the evolving nature of mathematics education. I am seeking to contribute to the academia and follow my mentors’ footsteps to spark interest towards mathematics amongst the future generation amid the ever-changing educational landscape.

I appreciate how the university curriculum provides me the required exposure to hone my problem solving, computational thinking and mathematical reasoning skills, which are crucial in helping me further explore mathematics.

My mathematical topics of interest include number theory, analysis and mathematical logic.

Mathematics aside, some other stuff that I dabble in include some coding and music.


You’re most welcome to say hello here.

You can also have a look on my resume here.


About Me